How we can help

What can you expect from us

01. Initial contact/review

Once you have made contact via phone or email, we will collect some basic details from you to ascertain which of our advisers would be best placed to help you meet your objectives. We can then arrange an initial meeting with the adviser; this meeting would be at our expense and could take place over the phone, via Zoom or in person. This meeting will allow us to agree what work needs to be done and the fee structure for doing so.

02. Information gathering

Once the service has been agreed, we can move onto the information gathering stage. We will ask you complete a fact find via our online portal, or with your adviser, as preferred. Dependent on the nature of your objectives, we may also go through an attitude to risk profiler. Your adviser will then contact you in most cases to set up a meeting and really get to understand your requirements.

03. Research

If we are reviewing existing plans, the information gathering stage will stretch to making contact with providers to obtain up to date information on the plans concerned.

04. Recommendation

The next stage is making a formal recommendation in the form of a suitability report; this could be a hard copy document or an electronic version for you to access via the portal. The adviser will normally make a further appointment to go through this report with you. We aim to provide you with a formal recommendation within 4 weeks of your initial meeting; however, there are factors which can extend this working time and we will keep you updated if this is the case.

05. Implementation

If the recommendation is agreed, any paperwork will be completed. Applications will be submitted and managed through by the back-office team, to get this put in place as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

06. Ongoing services

Once the recommendations have been implemented, ongoing servicing will be dependant on the Service Level that has been selected. Many clients sign up to annual reviews, with the Client Journey repeating; however, not all stages will apply each time. In most cases where we are managing pensions and investments on your behalf you will have access to the online portal for daily updated valuations, a document / report library and you can communicate securely within this structure rather than having to use emails.

The online portal means that you have your financial details at your fingertips in one secure location wherever you are in the world. You can assess performance; retain an electronic record of all reports we send to you, and communicate with us securely. The vast majority of clients find this system extremely useful and easy to use. If you are not committed to the digital age don’t despair, we can still send everything in the post.

Ongoing servicing

A failing levied at advisors in general is that although clients may receive sound initial advice at outset, there is little or no ongoing support from that point onwards. At Gracechurch Wealth Management LLP we will agree, at outset, an appropriate review structure. You will then know exactly when to expect your financial planning reviews. We currently offer 3 levels of ongoing servicing:


  • This service is appropriate when your financial plan or products are straight forward, and you are still in the accumulation stage of your financial planning.
  • A remote annual review (via portal, post or email) is sufficient to keep your plans on track, and you are unlikely to require advice in the interim.
  • Access to your adviser and the back-office team when required
  • Standard charge of 0.70% of the fund value per annum
  • Minimum funds under management of £100,000

Service level 1

  • This service should be selected if an annual review either by portal, post, email, phone, or in person is generally sufficient to keep your plans on track; however, there is a likelihood of interim discussions and transactions as required.
  • Access to your adviser and the back-office team when required
  • Standard charge of 0.90% of the fund value per annum
  • Minimum funds under management of £100,000

Service level 2

  • Suitable for clients with financial plans of a more complex nature
  • Meetings and reviews throughout the year, with Cash Flow Modelling as needed
  • Access to your adviser and the back-office team when required
  • Standard charge of 0.90% of the fund value per annum
  • Minimum funds under management of £1m

Not everyone wants ongoing contact; for these ‘transactional’ clients there is the option of an hourly or fixed fee for services provided, as and when they require them.