Support hub

How do I cancel my on-going service?

If you selected an engagement basis at outset which provides an on-going advice service (Foundation, Service Level 1 and Service Level 2) then you can cancel this service at any time, without penalty, but you must do so in writing.

We would then ordinarily categorise you as a ‘transactional client’ which means we would only provide further advice where you request us to do so, at a fee to be agreed ahead of the work being undertaken.

Upon receipt of your instructions to cancel an ongoing service, we will, if relevant:

  • Arrange for the refund of any payments made in advance for ongoing services that are no longer to be provided; and
  • Arrange for any future payment of any associated charges to cease
When should I re-engage your services?

If you are not receiving an on-going advice service from us, it is important that you regularly review your financial affairs to ensure they remain suitable to meet your needs and objectives. Failure to do so may leave you unprotected, or with less money than you had hoped. You should review whether the plans you have remain suitable, how your investments have performed and do they still align with your attitude to risk and capacity for loss.

Your needs and objectives will change as you go through life as will your capacity for loss. In addition, certain life events can be triggers for significant change such as:

  • House purchase
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Divorce
  • Bereavement
  • Inheritance
  • Retirement / reducing your hours

We would always suggest if you have not had a professional review for some years then now may be a good time to request one. In this way, you can enjoy the confidence that comes with knowing all is in order. This would especially be the case if you have encountered one of the life events detailed above, given the significant impact this may have on your needs and objectives.

If you wish to re-engage our services, you can do so on either a ‘transactional basis’ (one-off advice with no ongoing advice service) or on an on-going advice basis. (Foundation, Service Level 1 or Service Level 2). Simply make contact and we shall be happy to discuss your requirements.

How do I make a complaint?

Whilst we always endeavour to meet our high standards and provide you with exceptional service, it is important that we inform you as to how you can make a complaint, should you feel the need to do so. We regard a complaint as being:

Any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, from, or on behalf of, a person about the provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service, which:

(a) alleges that the complainant has suffered (or may suffer) financial loss, material distress or material inconvenience; and
(b) relates to an activity of our firm, or of any other firm with whom we have some connection in marketing or providing financial services or products, which comes under the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service

We will provide you with a copy of our internal procedures for handling complaints on request and when acknowledging a complaint. There will be no charge for this. This information is also available via our contractual documents.

On receipt of a complaint, we will pass the details to Jason Bevan, Partner and Compliance officer for the firm, who will be responsible for ensuring that any complaint is dealt with promptly and fairly.

A complaint can be made via any reasonable means, including letter, telephone, email, and in person.

We operate a telephone line for the purposes of enabling a complaint to be filed and you will not be bound to pay more than the ‘basic rate’ when using this.

No charge will be made for handling a complaint from a client.

Making a Complaint

We do not make a charge for filing a complaint.

If you wish to make a complaint, we can be contacted as follows:

Jason Bevan
Gracechurch Wealth Management LLP

EFX House
1 Boycott Avenue
Milton Keynes

Tel: 01908 209220

Where you have a complaint or dispute with us and we are unable to resolve this to your satisfaction then we are obliged to offer you the Financial Ombudsman Service to help resolve this. Please see the following link for further details:

How to claim on a policy?

If we have received authorisation from you to act on behalf of the policy in question, simply make contact to inform us of what has happened. We shall then be happy to guide you through the claim process and liaise with the insurer on your behalf.

If we don’t act for you then you the process is likely to be as follows:

  1. Contact the insurer with a note of the policy number and the reason for claiming
  2. They will then inform you of the claim process and are likely to issue a claim form to you for completion
  3. Supporting documentation is likely to be required. (Death certificate for death claims, evidence of health for critical illness claims, and evidence of health, birth certificate and proof of income for income protection claims)

If you can locate it, full details of how to make a claim can be found in the Key Features Document supplied when the policy was taken out.

Finally, it is always important to act quickly in the event of a claim, but this is especially so with critical illness cover, where the policy wording may specify a time restriction, within which notification must be made e.g., 28 days.

When should I contact you or the provider?

If we have received authorisation from you to act on behalf of the policy in question, then you should always contact us as we are here to support you in any way we can. We will then liaise with the provider on your behalf, as necessary.

If we do not act for you then you will need to contact the provider directly.